Lose An Erection During Masturbation?

Lose An Erection During Masturbation?


Have you ever lost an erection during masturbation? It could be a sign of cardiovascular disease, according to a recent Italian study. This research published in the journal of the International Society for Sexual Medicine found that out of 2,500 participants, 45% failed to remain erect during a masturbatory session. After examining these men, University of Florence researchers found that those who experienced the problem were at higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease. They also had a lower libido and fewer erections in their sleep. So when should a man begin to address the issue? The most common cause is a lack of interest. You may just not be in the mood. But if this becomes a common occurrence you should see a doctor or urologist. Erectile dysfunction can happen with one’s self or one’s partner. Of course every man experiences it once in a blue moon. But when it becomes a common occurrence is when it is a cause for concern.


Giulia Rastrelli, M.D. was the lead author of this study. He says that it is important to evaluate the quality of one’s erection. Of course, as a man ages, an erection may not be as rock hard as it once was. But if something seems not quite right it’s important to bring it up with your doctor. Lifestyle choices are to be considered in terms of erectile dysfunction. An Emory University study found that those who exercised regularly cut their chances of developing ED by 50%. Lots of men are embarrassed to discuss the issue with a physician. However, ED can affect your self-esteem and your relationship. Moreover, a serious health issue may be the root cause of ED. Notice if it occurs due to any changes in medication, if you have had a mood disorder lately such as depression or a lot of stress. These can also cause ED. Most people think of ED as a problem a man has with his partner. But what we never think about is when it happens with one’s self. However, ignoring the issue can be just as negligent to one’s own health.